Saturday, April 30, 2011

A whole lotta nothin

Happy Saturday!!!

I didn't sleep well last night... thought that is nothing new for me. I don't know what it is but I just very rarely get a good night sleep anymore. I am exhausted everyday... and I hit the sack early because of it but come 3 am I am AWAKE. It is making me crazy. Anyway, got out of bed at 7 this morning, not really in any mood to do anything at all but I forced myself to get ready and go to the gym. I am glad I did. I do feel better when I go. As I sit here, the snow is falling down. Yes, snow. Oh how I wish that spring would come. There is rumor that next week will be gorgeous and getting warmer each day but I honestly don't believe it. I think I have a case of the winter blues. I need some sunshine in my life!

I have nothing profound to talk about, not a lot going on around here. I did finally try baking some black bean brownies... and I have to admit I was not impressed. I could totally taste the beans and quite frankly it grossed me out. I gagged. I mean... gagged, LOL!

Next week is my 11 year Anniversary. The crappy thing is my husband will be working, basking on the beach in Puerto Rico all week and I will be here in the snow. insert pity party. I know, it is ridiculous. And so unfair.

Well today marks 7 weeks out from my comp! Holy cow, time is flying by. I feel like I am definitely seeing improvements in my body but I realize that I still have A LOT of work to do! Time to bump it up a few cazillion notches. Wishing those who are competing today good luck! Can't wait to hear how you all do! Whoop Whoop!


  1. 7 weeks, wow! What are your workouts like? Do you use a trainer? How's the diet going? Darn, I was going to try the black bean brownies too =(

  2. Oh Lisa, you should totally try them. I just must not be hungry enough yet to really enjoy them. I know that closer to a comp I will be dying for anything resembling a brownie and will probably devour the whole pan if made. I don't know, maybe a little less black beans and adding in a little bit of coconut flour or some flavored extracts would have helped?

    My workouts are still just focusing on each bodypart twice a week, one heavy day and one burn out day. Cardio will begin getting intense. I haven't done nearly as much as I should be doing because I HATE IT but pretty soon I am going to really have to tear it up. I do have a trainer a couple of days a week and the diet is... going... I have had a couple of rough days. I am not used to cutting my carbs so low so quick since doing Figure I really had to focus on keeping the weight on. Totally different.
