Sunday, October 7, 2012

One more week.....

One week out.... and my new suit....

Front Pose

Back Pose

Model Pose

I feel pretty good.  In fact I feel REALLY good this time around.  I can't wait to talk more about what I have done differently this prep than I did last prep (and basically ANY prep).  It will have to wait until after the show though because it is going to require some thinking and right now... I am not too great at thinking.  My carbs are SUPER low... and my brain function is well... not that great!  Just ask my friends.  I have had a few of those "holy crap what are you talking about" moments at work this week when it was obvious what they were talking about to everyone in the room, except me.  I just can't keep up ha ha ha!  Anyway, I am so excited for the competition.  I really want to place well.  Actually scratch that... I want to WIN!  

Its almost my favorite time of prep.  The time when its a little like Christmas morning each day you see something new... a little leaner, a new muscle pop, etc... I love it.  I can't wait to see what I get come October 13th.  Can't wait to smell the Pro-tan, get all gussied up in my hooker heels and WAY too much makeup, ha ha ha... oh man lets do this!!!!


  1. You look hot girl and I know your totally going to rock it. Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it.

  2. Wow, you look amazing!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  3. You look READY and AMAZING!! Way to go! Looking forward to the post comp report!

    1. Oh thank you so much! I am nervous but I feel ready!

  4. You look awesome!!! Good luck and I can't wait to hear more about the show and prep :)

    1. Thanks girl! I am ready to get this thing going!



  6. YES! So proud of your hard work!! Can't wait for Saturday.

    1. Whoop! Can't wait! Thank you for everything!

  7. Good luck in the competition. you look great. I was browsing blogs and came upon yours. anyway good luck and if you need any protein look our way!!

    whey protein

  8. You look gorgeous!! Sure wish I could be there with Janetha and cheer you on! You're already a winner!!

    momma b aka nana sue :)

  9. Hi Kerryne, I came upon your blog while looking up Utah fitness stuff. I have to say you are a wonderful and beautiful person and very inspiring! I hope things went well at the show. I was reading about how frustrated you are with your body not doing what you want it to do. That can be so hard. I've been there too, with no understanding of why it's doing that. I am thinking it's probably hormone related or something. Anyhow, it looks like you lost all you needed to and everything worked out because you look gorgeous! I am from Utah too. I saw that you just got sealed in the temple with your family. You looked so pretty! My husband and I just got sealed with our family too at the Manti temple. It took us 17 years. (That darn tithing!) :) I saw you love "Insanity". That is seriously my favorite workout ever! Exercise was not near as fun until I started doing that. Love Shaun T and never get sick of him. Anyhow, just wanted to say hello and tell you those things. Have a great day. ~Jenny Shick

    1. Jenny, thank you so much for not only taking the time to read but to leave such a sweet comment! CONGRATS on your sealing as well. Don't worry it took us exactly (to the day) 12 years! So nice to "meet" you and hope to hear more from you! Take care!
